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发布日期:2024-05-10 08:04    点击次数:190


Onboard a flight carrying over 140 passengers, including overseas Chinese, international friends, and returning Chinese, a lively showcase of Yingge, a traditional Chinese art form featuring song and dance, unfolded at an altitude of 10,000 meters. On May 4th, the Puning Fumei Youth Yingge Team, fresh from their tour in Thailand, partnered with China Southern Airlines Shantou Branch to present the unique charm of Yingge culture to passengers on flight CZ8356 (Bangkok-Shantou).

The Puning Fumei Youth Yingge Team, known for its vigorous and innovative performances, showcased their dance characterized by strength, boldness, and robustness. During the May Day holiday, the team traveled to Thailand for cultural exchanges, enhancing the cultural ties between China and Thailand.

On the flight, the chief flight attendant warmly welcomed and introduced the arrival of the Puning Fumei Youth Yingge Team in both Mandarin and Chaoshan dialect. Passengers, already intrigued and excited by the renowned "Chinese Warrior Dance," were eager to experience this intangible cultural heritage. Li Junhao, the leader of the Puning Fumei Youth Yingge Team, vividly explained the origin and artistic features of Yingge dance, and demonstrated signature moves, receiving thunderous applause from the passengers. The team members presented helmets worn during the dance for passengers to observe and even try on, creating an extraordinary atmosphere within the cabin.

To allow passengers a deeper immersion into the unique charm of Yingge dance, they organized an "apprenticeship" session. Children eagerly signed up and, under the guidance of team members, donned Yingge helmets, learned how to wield Yingge hammers, and imitated the signature dance moves, experiencing the rich flavor of intangible cultural heritage firsthand. Passengers enthusiastically took photos with the Yingge team members, capturing unforgettable moments.

The integration of Yingge culture into the flight provided passengers with an immersive experience of intangible cultural heritage in the air. A Chinese diaspora lady from Thailand expressed her excitement in Chaoshan dialect, saying, "I'm thrilled to see Yingge dance performance on the plane. I hope excellent traditional cultures like Yingge dance can travel abroad and embrace the world."

Source :Yangcheng Evening News







文、图|记者 赵映光 通信员 莫立楠 林一见

翻译 |刘佳慧

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